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The holidays are here and you should enjoy them! But that also does not mean to throw all your progress out the window. It is about finding a balance! A balance between enjoying the Christmas cookie which is only made one time of year, and not forgetting to try to get a few of your workouts in around those holiday parties!
It is a balance! Maybe you will not get all 5 workouts in this week (if 5 workouts is your normal), but maybe you aim for 3 workouts! The important thing is to find that balance so maybe you do some extra steps Christmas shopping or you spend time dancing in the kitchen while making those cookies! Either way, here are some tips to help you enjoy your holiday without guilt!
Plan Ahead As mentioned above, schedule your workouts to ensure they fit into your day! And don’t over commit, you do not need to stress out because you tried to fit an hour class in when you knew you only had time for maybe a 20-30 minute workout or even walk outside, if that!
Go Small Break your workouts into smaller chunks if you don’t have time for a full session. Every bit counts! Maybe you have time for a 15 minute yoga workout in the morning and you have full intention of doing a 20 minute arm workout after lunch, but then you get sucked into grocery shopping! That is okay, you can try to find 20 minutes later or guess what you did 20 minutes in the morning!
Be Creative Being active does not just mean getting a workout! Use the stairs, go play outside, and get competitive. I’m telling you, Christmas shopping for hours at the mall is a workout if you ask me.
Get a Workout Buddy Having a workout partner will keep you motivated and committed over the holidays but let’s face it, it is more fun!
Hydrate! Not being hydrated can cause you to be more hungry, have more cravings, and even have a harder time using the bathroom, so don’t forget to drink your water!
Keep celebrations to the day! Christmas eve and Christmas do not need to roll to new years. It is just 2 days. Make sure to get on your regular routine on the other days. Eat your protein, get a workout in when you can, and eat balanced meals!
Enjoy the season, but do not make yourself start from square one on January 2nd!
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