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We are deep in the holiday season with Christmas a few days away, and New Years around the corner. Hopefully you have been able to get back on track in between all the holiday parties, office treats and holiday shopping!
This time of the year is not about perfection but balance. Making healthy choices for your health journey; physically, mentally and emotionally. To help you keep up with your fitness journey while feeding your soul with the enjoyment and love of the holiday season here are 5 tips to help keep extra weight gain away leading up to the New Year!
Stick to your Routine!
Do not stop working out all month long. Maybe you can not workout as often as you were or for how you usually do, but every workout no matter how long counts! Even try splitting up your workout into two sessions a day.
The point is to do something! Go for a run in the morning and a quick lift in the evening. Try super setting exercises! Even try super setting cardio exercises superset weight lifting to get the most bang for your buck! No matter the workout, it will help burn some extra calories and it may even help you be more mindful with your portion control around all the cookies!
Find the Healthy Food you love first!
When you are at a party go for the lean proteins and veggie dishes you love first. This will help you enjoy a food you like, while filling up on a healthier options first to avoid any over indulgence later. This way you can hunt out another favorite food of yours which may not be as healthy.
Do not forget about Protein Control
Portion control is easier said than done! To help try grabbing the smallest plate to limit the amount of food you take. Remember you can always go for seconds. By taking the smaller plate you will feel like you are eating more than you are.
Party it up!
It’s a party, so act like it! Do not just sit down and eat. Get up, walk around and chat with everyone. If you are too busy socializing you will be less likely to be over eating. Even better, remember to dance if there is a dance floor!
Stay Hydrated
Yes, we mean water and zero calorie drinks. There is no harm in enjoying a holiday cocktail, but for every drink you have, make sure to drink a glass of water. This will help you stay fuller and avoid a hangover.
Remember it is the holiday season which is only around once a year and it flys by, so enjoy it all in a balance, because you do not want to be regretting any of your choices come January!
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