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Crunching away, but not getting anywhere? Make sure you arent making one of these 3 ab mistakes
Focusing exclusively on the 6 pack
If you want a 6 pack it only makes sense to focus on the 6 pack muscles, no? Your Transverse Abdominis (TVA) the superficial ab muscles that run up and down and create that washboard look are just one tiny part of the core equation. Your lower back and obliques, along with the lower abs that are often neglected, all play an important role in the look and functionality of your core. Give them all equal attention.
Youre doing abs first
Your abs are part of your core and your cores job is to stabilize your entire body. This is most important during compound movements like squats and overhead presses. If you fatigue your core early in your workout, you will have a hard time performing your compound exercises safely and effectively later in your workout. Use your core first to protect your spine during complicated lifts, then burn them out with your abdominal isolation exercises at the end of your workout.
You think your abs are special
Some people train them everyday (Hey, Arnold did it!) and some never target them, thinking they get enough love during the rest of your workout, but your abs are muscles just like any other, so all the same rules apply.
If youre already doing compound exercises like deadlifts, 2-3 sets of one or two ab exercises at the end of your workout is all you need.
They need just as many hours to recover as other muscles, so do not train them every day. If you hit them hard, give them 2-3 days rest to recover.
Intensity will dictate your results. If you do your ab workout and are ready for more the next day, you need to bump up the resistance or difficulty. Instead of crunches, try hanging ab exercises, or using TRX.
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